Texas A-Kon postponed, MediaOCD acquires AnimEigo, and Pokémon gets a Time Magazine cover set as well as lighting up the night sky in NYC! Also, an animator survey reveals yearly salary and average hours worked, and the numbers are exactly how you’d think, TOYOTA releases an Initial D-inspired series trailer, and Tokyo gets new Sailor […]
Posts Tagged ‘cockroach’

Episode 391 : Upgrades and Smooth Moves

On tonight’s show… We discuss the Vic Mignogna issue, a rumored father and son project at Studio Ghibli, and Rumiko Takahashi wins a prestigious award! Netflix is at it again, with Resident Evil, updated Toonami lineup, アニメ『Back Street Girls -ゴクドルズ-』 gets live action series! Sequel for POKÉMON Detective Pikachu, free global manga service, and a line Pokémon themed dress shirts! Over in Strange News From Japan, 6000 calorie […]