Texas A-Kon postponed, MediaOCD acquires AnimEigo, and Pokémon gets a Time Magazine cover set as well as lighting up the night sky in NYC! Also, an animator survey reveals yearly salary and average hours worked, and the numbers are exactly how you’d think, TOYOTA releases an Initial D-inspired series trailer, and Tokyo gets new Sailor […]
Posts Tagged ‘bread’

#567: Warm One Day, Cold The Next.

DJ Ranma S follows up with a DerpyCon addendum and Anime NYC‘s latest changes on panels. Also, a Love Live School Idol Project seiyuu steps down due to their health, celebrate 30 years of Sailor Moon with an LP, new Godzilla project in the works, Neon Genesis Evangelion: the stage play, and a new anime entertainment complex! Meanwhile in Japan… a bus driver flunked a […]

#561: Somewhere in the Intersection.

DJ Ranma S discusses his experience at Retro Con 2022! Also, new Rurouni Kenshin anime announced, but we have some controversy with that, Aggretsuko gets a final season, and we get another season of Tokyo Mew Mew New! Plus, Love Live School Idol Project: The Musical and Lupin III vs McDonald’s?! Meanwhile in Japan, a Tinder adult store, a local convenience store offers chopsticks only, […]

Episode #231 – Back in Rotation.

On tonight’s show, Mako-chan is back, complete with full internet! And she brings us a fresh batch of articles! We talk about the 28 animes that made IMDb‘s top 250 of all time, Linked Horizon does the opening for the new Attack on Titan spin-off. We find out that Love Live! School Idol Project ( […]