This series is a newer sports anime. The sport is kind of like a more extreme version of a relay race, called Stride. A team of runners have a track set throughout the town. This series follows a Stride club at Honan Academy as they try and win the tournament.
Archive for the ‘Anime Reviews’ Category

The Magic is in the Medicine: Relife Review

Imagine, your life isn’t going the way you planned. You’re out of college and doing nothing with your life because you can’t get a decent job. Then, someone tells you that you can take a pill to fix everything. Do you?

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da, Roger! The Big O anime review

Ah, Paradigm City, a place shrouded in mystery. Something happened 40 years before the story takes place that removed everyone’s memories. People live in domes with no idea what happened, but Roger Smith makes it his job to protect the city at all costs. This series is basically Japanese Batman, with giant robots. If that […]

Get ready to count those Double Dollars; A Trigun Review

One of the best anime in the business. Trigun. This series follows Vash the Stampede, the man with a bounty of 60 billion double dollars. He is known as The Humanoid Typhoon for a reason, he lays waste to everything he touches. They say he’s a womanizer, and if you meet him, you’re as good […]

Snow White with the Red Hair… When Disney Meets Anime!

I found this series because I was looking for something to watch dubbed that was still being updated. I had heard this series mentioned over facebook because I follow several voice actors and actresses I have met in the past. It just so happened that a bunch of those people were in this series, so […]