The Staff
What started out as one person working on a website, turned into a small team of people who are not just good friends, but an excellent staff team… Along with wearing many hats! The few of us that work together to bring you this awesome podcast, give them a round of applause!

DJ Ranma S is cosplay veteran. He has won numerous performance awards with his friends over the years. He has staffed conventions in the past, ran panels, masquerades, a jack of all trades. He’s worked dealer’s room too! Running this site is his way of giving back to the cosplay community. He feels that it’s his turn to give a future cosplayers their fifteen minutes of fame.

Ari was born into a family of black sheep sporting wool as white as the freshly fallen snow. And what started as a simple budding interest in writing stories ballooned into a lifetime love of writing and a desire to make his billions by writing books. This desire eventually gave birth to his moniker: the Master of the Written Word. Nobody in this world is deadlier with a pen—metaphorically or literally.

Mako-chan isn’t just a writer and co-host… She’s also the resident baker and chef of all things yummy. Mako-chan has been working behind the scenes helping out where she can for the Podcast. Officially joining the team in November of 2011, first as a writer and editor, and later as an on air personality for the show, and now Assistant Editor, Mako-chan embraces the five main sureties in life that make a person great; Beauty, Intelligence, Talent, Creativity, and Honesty. ^_~

A cosplayer for over a decade now, Yunie is a giant nerd who still pretends she’s cool. She runs several sites on her own, including Engi no Shouzoku! Cosplay, Cosplay Blog with a Brain, and her store, Yunie’s Designs. An avid fan of fellow nerds, Yunie loves attending conventions and dorking around in costumes with all types. Oh, and if there’s shenanigans, even better!

A Costuming teacher in her local community, she’s happy to help beginners on their way to building their skills. In her free time…between running her fashion business StrawberryPaperDoll and keeping up the J-fashion subculture… You can find her cosplaying, being a panelist, and volunteering as staff at local conventions or hidden in her studio making everything from Armor, to props, to sewing up her next big gown.
Always happy to say hello to fellow cosplayers and others in the community! Say hi if you see her!

Said to secretly be a panda or a robot…or both, WildSpice (formerly CCAmanda) is a veteran cosplayer with 10+ years under her belt. When she’s not working her day job, she spends her time focusing on cosplay and costuming photography. She can be seen at most conventions doing photoshoots, showing off her killer dance moves, or being a social butterfly with all fellow geeks.

A grad school student and future librarian who seems to run solely on espresso and sweets, Chocola has been going to conventions for about eight years. In her free time, she loves to bake and cook, as well as write!

So we handed Rose a pencil and paper, and asked her to write her bio. She returned with “I am an anime fan with a Japanese degree.” But she does know a good deal when she knows one… Also a resident Banana Fish fan.