SAG-AFTRA declares strike against video game companies, Square Enix not canceling manga after artist sentence, and Kenichi Sonada and Hitoshi Ariga honored with an award at Comic-Con International! Also, the Cute High Earth Defense Club Love is back with a movie, Los Angeles Dodgers‘ Women’s Night, is that a Jojo reference, and Rumiko Takahashi manga […]
Posts Tagged ‘Rumiko Takahashi’

#584: Where Did That Reverse Card Come From?

An ecchi anime’s live broadcast upsets voice actor from the series, we finally get Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Anime, and Monster Energy goes after the games Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) and Monster Hunter… Ten animes turning 50 this year, and legendary mangaka Rumiko Takahashi is knighted by France! Meanwhile in Japan, local card shop […]

#582: Getting Fancy With It!

We get a 24/7 anisong stream! Live action Cells at Work, mangaka legend Rumiko Takahashi draws a one-shot manga, new Pokémon anime gets a manga, composer Hidekazu Tanaka admits to obscenity charges, and Soul Eater celebrates 15 years! Meanwhile in Japan… Own a giant 3D cat from Shinjuku and the newest capsule toy that doesn’t open?!

#519: Crashtastic!

The Great Philadelphia Comic Con is sued by the state over refunds, Rumiko Takahashi is inducted in the Hall of Fame, and WIT STUDIO,Inc. may be in massive debt! Also, Sword Art Online seiyuu Yoshitsugu Matsuoka throws the first pitch, new Puella Magi Madoka Magica Real Escape game featuring Walpurgisnacht, and if you like Squid Game, check out these other horror flicks! Meanwhile in Japan, capsule machines […]

#515: The Ides of September.

Creamy Mami joins the Tokyo Idol Festival, Dragon Quest has it’s own chess set, and legendary mangaka Rumiko Takahashi explains the origin of Shampoo‘s name! Also, legendary j-rocker GACKT goes on indefinite hiatus, Studio 4C creates an anime ad for R&B artist Aaliyah to commemorate the 20th anniversary of her album, and an otaku cryptocurrency to produce isekai anime? Meanwhile in Japan, we get an […]