Texas A-Kon postponed, MediaOCD acquires AnimEigo, and Pokémon gets a Time Magazine cover set as well as lighting up the night sky in NYC! Also, an animator survey reveals yearly salary and average hours worked, and the numbers are exactly how you’d think, TOYOTA releases an Initial D-inspired series trailer, and Tokyo gets new Sailor […]
Posts Tagged ‘Initial D’

#610: If Not For a Trick, There’d Be No Treat!

DJ Ranma S briefly discusses the Another Anime Convention (AAC) Photo Contest. And in the news, J-pop superstar Kenshi Yonezu – 米津玄師 Worldwide’s hit track “Kick Back” has officially been gold-certified by The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), one L.A. Lakers player plays himself in the newest Crayon Shin-chan episode, and a Fast and […]