Cards stolen from Gen Con, a 4k remastering of Space Battleship Yamato, and BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO gets a remastering too! Also, World Cosplay Summit 世界コスプレサミット results are in, Hasbro sells off eOne to Lionsgate, Ippei Kuri passes away, and a One Piece hater spams IMDB with 1 star ratings of the anime?! Meanwhile in Japan, a nationwide test shows English language skills are lacking in youth, standing […]
Posts Tagged ‘imdb’

Episode #231 – Back in Rotation.

On tonight’s show, Mako-chan is back, complete with full internet! And she brings us a fresh batch of articles! We talk about the 28 animes that made IMDb‘s top 250 of all time, Linked Horizon does the opening for the new Attack on Titan spin-off. We find out that Love Live! School Idol Project ( […]