On tonight’s show, we drop a few kind words about Colossalcon East, pay tribute to Robert Axelrod, discuss shoujo rap battles, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai The Movie, and a new Pokémon anime! Also, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind kabuki play, new Pokemon x Tamagotchi crossover, and Studio Trigger did what with Steven Universe?! Meanwhile in Japan, a blacklight stamp […]
Posts Tagged ‘steven universe’

Cosplay Interview with Snowsong Cosplay

It’s time once more for another cosplayer interview! This next one, shared from Cosplay Blog with a Brain, is an interview with Snowsong Cosplay! She’s a creative young lady from Colorado, who likes going for the detailed pieces!

Episode 308 : Zenkaikon 2017… We Came, We Cosplayed, We Tore It Up!

On tonight’s show, we’re talking Zenkaikon 2017! Join That DJ Ranma S Guy, Ari Rockefeller, Mako-chan, IchigoGami, and WildSpice Cosplay as they take you through Day 0 to Day 3 of this amazing con! And then in Strange News From Japan, a Japanese theme park lets you hire fake thugs so you can impress your […]

Katsucon 2016: …And then the Real Fire Nation Attacked

The con was all fun and games, until the Fire Nation Attacked….but more on that later!.. We’ll start out with Thursday, I got in pretty late so I was in my pj’s but a few of my friends in the room were already wandering around in cosplay scoping out good photo spots and just chilling […]

Episode #238 – Wagons North! The AAC 2015 Podcast!

On tonight’s show, join DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller as they tell us their fun times at Another Anime Con in Manchester, NH! Three days of fun, excitement, and chaoticness! Also on the Open Forum Topic, would you wear a Japanese School Uniform? And in Strange News From Japan, school uniforms as a jumper, […]