After a three year hiatus due to COVID, Zenkaikon held its 2022 event in the Lancaster County Convention Center. Many attendees came as early as Thursday, excited to start the event. Lancaster is located in South Pennsylvania. It is a quaint area with plenty of food options to choose from and even a few nerdy […]
Posts Tagged ‘artist alley’

Castle Point Anime Convention 2019: It Shrunk in the Wash

Castle Point Anime Convention, or CPAC for short, was a small Sunday college con held on the campus of Stevens Institute of Technology. Last year, the con moved to the Meadowlands Expo Center, due the size. Last year, I only went for one day, but it seemed packed (probably due to the rain), and there […]

Katsucon 2016: …And then the Real Fire Nation Attacked

The con was all fun and games, until the Fire Nation Attacked….but more on that later!.. We’ll start out with Thursday, I got in pretty late so I was in my pj’s but a few of my friends in the room were already wandering around in cosplay scoping out good photo spots and just chilling […]

Presenting Another Artist’s Work When Asking for Commissions

Cosplayer and recent podcast guest, Luna Lady of Light, writes about etiquette when it comes to cosplay commissions. Recently there have been growing incidents of people asking for someone to exactly replicate another artist’s work for less money. I wanted to explain exactly why most commissioners/artists will give a bristly response on this subject. […]