After a three year hiatus due to COVID, Zenkaikon held its 2022 event in the Lancaster County Convention Center. Many attendees came as early as Thursday, excited to start the event. Lancaster is located in South Pennsylvania. It is a quaint area with plenty of food options to choose from and even a few nerdy […]
Posts Tagged ‘lancaster’

#541: The Zenkaikon 2022 Episode: We Mean it This Time!

We’re talking Zenkaikon 2022! Yes, we mean it this time! Join DJ Ranma S, WildSpice, and Ari Rockefeller as they discuss the entire con of what they liked and did not like!

Zenkaikon 2018 – Pain is Just Normalcy Leaving the Body

It’s almost unheard of for a convention to cause me actual physical pain, but that’s precisely the theme of the convention this weekend. Not that it was entirely my fault…

Episode 356 : 2018 Con Season Start! Zenkaikon 2018!

On tonight’s show… We’re talking Zenkaikon! Join the whole cast and crew of the show as they go through all four days (including day 0) of the convention! And over in Strange News From Japan, overly expensive elementary school uniforms causes a teenager to threaten with a knife, a man looking to buy sneezes, and the […]

Episode 308 : Zenkaikon 2017… We Came, We Cosplayed, We Tore It Up!

On tonight’s show, we’re talking Zenkaikon 2017! Join That DJ Ranma S Guy, Ari Rockefeller, Mako-chan, IchigoGami, and WildSpice Cosplay as they take you through Day 0 to Day 3 of this amazing con! And then in Strange News From Japan, a Japanese theme park lets you hire fake thugs so you can impress your […]