I’ve found myself going to fewer anime conventions than I’d prefer as of late, but to compensate for the quantity, I try to maximize the quality of my experiences at whichever convention I’m at for any particular weekend. A familiar convention in an unfamiliar locale (again) was just what I needed, come to think of […]
Posts Tagged ‘convention report’

MAGFest 2019 – Count Your Blessings, Gaylord

The Gaylord National convention center and hotel comes off as one of the premieres “work horse” venues of the convention scene, hosting both Katsucon and MAGFest, two very popular and rather big conventions. But while the internet loves unleashing memes as to “I don’t know why the prices goes up every year!” complete with images […]

CloverCon 2017: The Little Con that Kicks Big Butt

Once more I, Mako-chan, get to tell you of how great a con CloverCon is. Taking place on Sunday May 21st in Bridgewater, NJ, the AJS crew decided to get an early start on festivities, and instead of traveling up that morning, we got a room for the night before. Let me tell you, the […]
Clover Con 2016: The Little Con That Rocks

On May 15th, the Anime Jam Session crew headed back to Somerset, NJ for Clover Con. This con, put on by the Village Hidden in the Clovers, Somerset County’s 4-H anime and manga club, is one that we all enjoy. All proceeds go to help fund the local 4-H, which is something we as a […]

Zenkaikon 2016 – A Division of Fly-By-Night Moving Company

Well, here it is, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the start of convention season for 2016. Although I’m hesitant to refer to it as a “season,” since you can find a convention happening in at least one city in this country during any given weekend…at least that’s what it feels like, they’ve become […]