Another Anime Con 2023 is a convention Anime Jam Station attends each year and is a highlight of our con circuit.
Does this convention still stand strong?
CinnaKnight joins the team at this event for the first time and shares her AAC experience!
Posts Tagged ‘another anime convention’
Another Amazing Weekend: Another Anime Con 2023
#521: Another Anime Con 2021… A LEGIT CON.
We’re talking Another Anime Convention (AAC)! Join DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller as they discuss Another Anime Convention 2021 with WildSpice Cosplay throwing questions at them! Then over in Meanwhile in Japan, police using targeted YouTube ads to warn voyeurs and a man arrested for destroying censor mosaics in adult videos?!
Another Anime Convention 2019 – New England States Bingo
I’ve found myself going to fewer anime conventions than I’d prefer as of late, but to compensate for the quantity, I try to maximize the quality of my experiences at whichever convention I’m at for any particular weekend. A familiar convention in an unfamiliar locale (again) was just what I needed, come to think of […]
Another Anime Convention 2018 — “Life is a Highway” Was Not Meant to be Taken Literally
If you’ve become familiar with my way of writing these convention reviews for this website, you’ll know that I very much enjoy writing about every aspect that I experience as it applies to me. But it usually gets a glossing over from me since it’s just your typical road trip to a convention. It can’t […]
Another Anime Convention 2017 – Italians in Suits? What’s not to Love?
The convention previously before this one was the big send-off of perhaps the largest anime convention on the east coast, the effective end of an era. So this convention might be considered a step back, especially in scope and attendance.