It seems that due to some controversy with Superheroes Unlimited and whatnot, we decided to post Liberty City Anime Convention’s 2016 masquerade that they ran. Did they do a good job? You be the judge, check it out below!
Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Cosplay Interview with Yaya Han!

So, did you know that we did an interview with one of the cosplay community’s talented cosplayer? Yes we did! Check out this interview with me and Yaya Han at Katsucon 2014! Also, you can find the rest of our Katsucon 2014 videos right here!

Senshi Generation Performance at Senshi Matsuri 2013

Well with all of the hubbub with the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime, let me show you this wonderful performance by Lilith Oya and her Sailor Moon troupe, Senshi Generation. This should really get y’all pumped for the new anime!

Castle Point Anime Convention 2013: The Videos!

After several weeks of delays, here are the convention videos! We have SeraMyu Makeup’s musical, the 18+ Dating Game, and cosplayer interviews with Gina B. Cosplay, Visored Cosplay, Heaven’s Gem, Misa Lynn, ChibiNeko Cosplay, and the Cosplay Masquerade!
Kotoricon 2013: The Videos

Have you seen our video coverage of Kotoricon 2013? If you haven’t, check out our playlist of videos right here! We have the masquerade, Uncle Yo’s standup, and two interviews with Jamie McGonnigal and Bill Rogers!