On tonight’s show, IchigoGami tells us about her adventures to RuffleCon! Also, That DJ Ranma S Guy talks about the newly formed con, Anime NYC! Plus breaking news on Ruroni Kenshin, Dragon Ball Super, and more! Then on Strange News From Japan, and epic Final Fantasy collaboration is coming, a train company apologizes for leaving early, and Mister Donut 統一多拿滋官方粉絲團 has very new interesting breakfast sandwiches… Download […]
Posts Tagged ‘singing’

Senshi Generation Performance at Senshi Matsuri 2013

Well with all of the hubbub with the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime, let me show you this wonderful performance by Lilith Oya and her Sailor Moon troupe, Senshi Generation. This should really get y’all pumped for the new anime!

Live Streaming Event at Senshi Matsuri

Anime Jam Session, in conjunction with the VOG Network, will be doing a live streaming of some of the panel events online this Sunday, starting at 12pm EST! All you have to do is head over to www.vognetwork.com’s live page around that time and you will see the live broadcast! Also, you can find all […]
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – A Sugary Sweet Concert, With Half the Calories

So last Sunday, I decided to head over to the Best Buy Theater to visit friends that were in line for the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert in New York City. If you’re about to say who is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, most likely you have heard her music while walking around at cons, especially her know […]