When it comes to anime conventions, I have experienced cons of all shapes and sizes—from the overwhelming huge cons, to the piddling little shoebox-like single room/building affairs. I don’t see a con’s size as a factor in its enjoyment one way or another; being big, for example, isn’t going to make it necessarily better than […]
Posts Tagged ‘kotoricon’

Kotoricon – Let the Season Begin!

While Kotoricon wasn’t the first con of the season for all of the AJS staff, it was mine, and I was greatly looking forward to it. Having a small local con to start the season off with a bang helps to get the excitement for the remainder of the season flowing, and Kotoricon is a […]

Episode #147 – Kotoricon, Kicking off the 2014 Con Season!

On this week’s show, we talk about Sailor Moon, why a popular seiyuu suspended their blog, and The Simpsons Miyazaki tribute! We will be talking about Kotoricon 2014, and discuss interesting Japanese News such as stolen bike seats, a revenge website, and AKB48! Download episode here or click on the RSS button on the right.
Kotoricon 2013: The Videos

Have you seen our video coverage of Kotoricon 2013? If you haven’t, check out our playlist of videos right here! We have the masquerade, Uncle Yo’s standup, and two interviews with Jamie McGonnigal and Bill Rogers!

Support Your Local College Anime Con

When I first started going to conventions oh so many years ago, they were held in nice hotels and/or convention centers. They were fun and it’s what I liked. Back then, you really didn’t hear about anime cons being held on college campuses, school libraries, or even in a park. If you wanted to start […]