Ah, Paradigm City, a place shrouded in mystery. Something happened 40 years before the story takes place that removed everyone’s memories. People live in domes with no idea what happened, but Roger Smith makes it his job to protect the city at all costs. This series is basically Japanese Batman, with giant robots. If that […]
Posts Tagged ‘dub’

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da, Roger! The Big O anime review

Episode #165 – All Hail Her Majesty, the One and Only, Sailor Moon!

It’s our Sailor Moon Podcast Special! Most if not, ALL of your questions are answered! Join DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller, with special guest Scarlet from Scarlet Rhapsody as they go through all of the news from Anime Central and they give their take and reactions! As they discuss things, the team discuss […]