Instead of an interview this week, I wanted to share a donation that was started for someone close to a few of us here at Anime Jam Session. Anything that can be donated helps! <3
Posts Tagged ‘sailor venus’

Sera Myu: La Reconquista! More Details!

Yesterday on Twitter, @osabu8 shared some images of the costume designs for the new musical “Sailor Moon musical: La Reconquista”, which included the new subtitle for the upcoming September 2013 performance. There is a press release via Comic Natalie, which has translated in full below:
Sailor Moon, Licensed by Funimation?

One the world’s worst rumors in the anime industry is that Funimation has acquired the rights to Sailor Moon. We wait for the big cons like A-kon, Anime eXpo, Otakon, SDCC, NYCC for them to make the grand announcement. An upcoming Canadian convention recently announced Stephanie Morganstern as a guest. In the video posted below, […]