In case you missed the release of the photos on our Facebook page, here’s direct links to all of our Katsucon photos that were taken this year. Enjoy!
Posts Tagged ‘sailor senshi’

International Sailor Moon Day Livestream!

Can’t get to the website to watch the event? Join us here! EDIT: Updated link to stream!

Sailor Moon Crystal Trailer

No need to intro this… It’s the Sailor Moon Crystal trailer! Check it out!

Sailor Moon is Back!

What has to be the biggest rumor of the anime industry is that FUNimation is currently sitting on the license to Sailor Moon and they were just waiting to make the big announcement. Some conventions have even said that they are the license holders. But today at Anime Central, that rumor has been officially squashed! […]

Senshi Generation Performance at Senshi Matsuri 2013

Well with all of the hubbub with the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime, let me show you this wonderful performance by Lilith Oya and her Sailor Moon troupe, Senshi Generation. This should really get y’all pumped for the new anime!