Well, right off the bat, this might make me look like a giant hypocrite. More than once I have lambasted people who spend their every last dime on their hobby/obsession, which includes anime and its ilk. However, I was in the position to do just that for Another Anime Convention 2013, but I’ll be goddamned […]
Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Another Anime Convention 2013 — How to Pull Off a Convention Weekend on Only $200!

AnimeNEXT 2013 — Rain Clouds and Chlorine Clouds

If you’re the type that does a lot to get to a convention, well then good for you; you’re in good company, and can very easily understand just what I’m talking about in one of these reviews of the conventions we go to. If not, then take a seat at an open desk, because Dr. […]
Cosplay Creepiness: It’s not just for Fanboys anymore

As someone who has been a part of the geek-culture scene in various roles, I can attest to the notion of Cosplay Related Creepiness being a serious issue. It is a matter that has persisted for so long that the grassroots Cosplay =/= Consent is spreading like wildfire in the community. By getting this out […]

Springfest 2013 – There are Better Ways to Spend Twenty-Five Bucks

There has always been a hesitation in the convention scene about college conventions. At times it can be a great success, and other times not so much. This is the latter. As much as the con and the staffers tried (or the lack of trying), it just did not work out as planned. This is […]