What I am about to post is not my personal account of what happened. This is more like my thoughts and take on it because of sensitive the situation is. I have been going to conventions for fifteen years. I won’t sit here and say that it’s all sunshine and rainbows. There’s always a downside […]
Archive for the ‘Editorial’ Category
The Convention Community Helps One of Their Own
If you went to conventions in the early 00’s, chances are you’ve seen Kevin Lillard. If you were cosplaying at the time, chances are, he’s taken your picture. Friend to cosplayers and congers alike, Kevin was a staple to the convention scene at the time. Unfortunately as so many of us in the US know, […]
Is the Future of Collecting in Danger?
Was sitting in a car today listening to talk radio. Normally I’m not one to listen to people complain about their lives, but the story was pretty interesting, and could potentially effect collectors and fans in general of anime. The story starts out with college students importing their text books from India, who is allowed […]
TV Love, Geek or Not is Fake
So I got into a discussion over TLC’s Geek Love with someone and was told to give it a shot, watch it, and to stop being one-sided and judgmental. I was told that the show didn’t play up the negatives of geek culture and that it was different then other dating shows. So after a […]
The Leaked TMNT “Script” or How Not to Write a Movie
Note: Contained below is a short synopsis of the leaked script. If you believe that this could hold any bearing on the finalized script and wish to remain spoiler free for the next two years, then I advise you not to read this article (and probably not to be online for a while). The website […]