If you’re a Pokémon fan like me, you understand that every aspect of the franchise—games, anime, what have you—have their strengths and weaknesses, their good parts and their bad parts. You understand that they can still have flaws, be it in design, or just things that you generally don’t like for whatever reason, but you […]
Author Archive

Another Anime Convention 2013 — How to Pull Off a Convention Weekend on Only $200!

Well, right off the bat, this might make me look like a giant hypocrite. More than once I have lambasted people who spend their every last dime on their hobby/obsession, which includes anime and its ilk. However, I was in the position to do just that for Another Anime Convention 2013, but I’ll be goddamned […]

Another Anime Convention 2013 Photos!

Alright, I have to admit; I’m not the best photographer on this site, not by a long shot. While I have acquired a more powerful camera in the past few months, the photos I end up taking are serviceable at best. They are, however, in the same vein as my more typical con write-ups: an […]

Man who Loves Cosplay Kills Woman who Also Loves Cosplay

Somewhere in the Malaysian city of Petaling Jaya, a 23-year-old man man murdered a 15-year-old girl and stuffed her body in a suitcase. But what was specifically jarring was the man’s love of the anime series One Piece. Mostly because he’s famous among the Malaysian cosplay community and even helped many get more involved with […]