Well, here it is, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the start of convention season for 2016. Although I’m hesitant to refer to it as a “season,” since you can find a convention happening in at least one city in this country during any given weekend…at least that’s what it feels like, they’ve become […]
Author Archive

5 Things About the Re-release of the Generation-I Pokémon Games (that I’m Not Looking Forward To)

On September 28th, 1998, the first Pokémon games were released outside of Japan. They were Red and Blue, and they are both classics. It, along with the anime that had debuted within a short time before, helped solidify my love of the franchise, making it along with Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon as my […]

Another Anime Convention 2015– Tossed Salads and Scrambled Plans, or That Time I Accidentally Cosplayed as Jesus

If I’ve mentioned it once, I’ve mentioned it countless times—I’m not the kind of fan of anything (much less anime) that will get so wrapped up in it that it eclipses everything else in my life. Especially when it comes to my job. Of course, with the convention I was just at, some things came […]

Otakon 2015 – Sleepless in Baltimore

I’ve been going to Otakon since 2004, so coming back to it every summer seems like swallows coming back to San Juan Capistrano…if the swallows were fat shits and decked out in cosplays. But whether it be due to instinct or general, legitimate love for the convention and going back to my roots, it kind […]

AnimeNEXT 2015 — Premature Jubilation

I like to consider myself a professional when it comes to things like reporting, even if it’s on something as “low” as anime conventions and their derivatives. Therefore it may come as a surprise that I pulled the trigger comparatively early when going to AnimeNEXT this year. Maybe it was because my convention appearances weren’t […]