Yoshihiro Togashi undergoes surgery all while continuing to work on manga, LINE WEBTOON takes credit for 70 piracy sites shut down, and Rascal Does Not Dream‘s English dub to stream on Crunchyroll! Also, Sailor Moon Super Live comes to London in 2025, Google Chrome is now an anime, and Disney classic characters get changed into […]
Posts Tagged ‘Yoshihiro Togashi’

#558: Laborious.

Lucky Star manga returns, Yoshihiro Togashi announces a staff for Hunter x Hunter, and get ready for Attack on Titan the musical?! Also, Amazon_Japan pulls Dr Stone book because it’s considered harmful in one prefecture, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero continues to climb up the list of top anime films, and USC half time show to have a One Piece medley. Meanwhile in Japan, a […]

#555: Pondering… Nah, Just Pondering.

DJ Ranma S has some thoughts on the Bleach licensing… Comiket 100 with high numbers! Also, Flame Con hosts Rica Takashima, and Yoshihiro Togashi health update! Plus, French voice actor was released from a dubbing project over a fandub, the newest BanG Dream band releases 1st single, and Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair launches crowdfunding for continued development! Meanwhile in Japan… New love […]