Haruhi Suzumiya’s 20th anniversary announcement, Studio Ghibli officially becomes a subsidiary of Nippon Television, and WebToon removes a popular Korean comic. Also, Right Stuf migrates products to the Crunchyroll store, the Yohane LoveLive spinoff gets a 2D video game, and the Gurren Lagann mobile game launches Oct 12! Meanwhile in Japan… A fantasy weapon shop […]
Posts Tagged ‘weapons’

Episode #186 – New York Comic Con… Just Smoke and Mirrors

We’re talking New York Comic Con! The hosts didn’t go, but Avalon Cosplay did! She discusses with DJ Ranma S Guy and Ari Rockefeller what all went down in the last four days! We’ll also cover some important news about Sailor Moon and Gundam releases! Along with our Open Forum Topic that discusses bad times […]

New York Comic Con’s Policy on Weapons and Props

Just about every convention you can think of has rules in regards to weapons and/or props for your cosplay. As long as you abide by them, you’ll be alright. This weekend is New York Comic Con, the East Coast’s biggest comic and entertainment show. In preparedness, they posted their FAQ on weapons and props here. […]