Just a bit over four years ago, one awesome woman, created a day to celebrate Sailor Moon. It was created on June 30, which is the birthday of Usagi Tsukino and Chibiusa Tsukino. On that day, there was a live stream of the event. There were interviews, cosplay contest, trivia, and a special performance! Also […]
Posts Tagged ‘International Sailor Moon Day’

Episode #229 – It Really Is Hot As Balls Out.

On tonight’s show, That DJ Ranma S Guy talks about International Sailor Moon Day in NYC. Then Ari Rockefeller and Mako-chan bring us news about “Tub Live” a plus sized Love Live! School Idol Project ( ラブライブ!) cosplay group, complaints about Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai, why Levi isn’t in […]