Kizuna AI(official)‘s concert crowdfunded in record time, Cloudflare sued over manga piracy issues, and Attack on Titan is 2021’s most demanded anime! Also, Ghibli Park opens up, MANGA Plus releases all English chapter for free… But there’s a catch, and updated news about ComicMarket コミックマーケット 100! Meanwhile in Japan, Toast is blamed for decline of rice consumption, game company tells players not […]
Posts Tagged ‘Ghibli’

Episode #151 – The Cold Ice Calls for a Raging Inferno.

This week, Kayla from Avalon Cosplay joins the crew as they talk about racial discrimination with cosplay photographers alogn with some issues with a cosplay photogoraphy Kickstarter. Also, Goro Miyazaki to direct a new tv anime. In Japan news, a deaf composer is found to be a fraud, Tokyo Zoo stages escape animal drill, driver […]