On this podcast, we’re talking Katsucon! Join IchigoGami and WildSpice Cosplay as they breakdown the ups, downs, ins, and outs of this con with That DJ Ranma S Guy! Plus our Skypeline for one jnight only, so if you went to the con, give us a call at AnimeJamSession! Also news about Sailor Moon, Alita: Battle Angel, and Galaxy Express 99, if time […]
Posts Tagged ‘gazebo’

Episode #152 – Katsu-COOOOOOON!!!!!!!

DJ Ranma S, Ari Rockefeller, and Avalon Cosplay sit down and talk about Katsucon XX. Meanwhile Mako-chan talks about the tasty alcohols she had that weekend. In Japan News, the crew talk about snowfall, video gaming assholes, angry Olympic fans, and chefs serving whale meat. Download episode here or click on the RSS button on […]

Episode #151 – The Cold Ice Calls for a Raging Inferno.

This week, Kayla from Avalon Cosplay joins the crew as they talk about racial discrimination with cosplay photographers alogn with some issues with a cosplay photogoraphy Kickstarter. Also, Goro Miyazaki to direct a new tv anime. In Japan news, a deaf composer is found to be a fraud, Tokyo Zoo stages escape animal drill, driver […]

Episode #150 – The Substitution.

On this week’s podcast, guest host Kayla from Avalon Cosplay fills in for Mako-chan, while she’s home recovering from surgery. Then we talk about the infamous Katsucon Gazebo, popular Valentine anime crushes, plus our own as well. Tokyo Disney gay wedding spins off a manga, Pokemon and the Super Bowl, Utada Hikaru gets married again, […]