We’re talking Another Anime Convention (AAC)! Join DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller as they discuss Another Anime Convention 2021 with WildSpice Cosplay throwing questions at them! Then over in Meanwhile in Japan, police using targeted YouTube ads to warn voyeurs and a man arrested for destroying censor mosaics in adult videos?!
Posts Tagged ‘convention season’

Episode #172 – We’ve Seen This Before Haven’t We.

On tonight’s show, we’re talking Anime Expo! DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller discuss some of the news that came out over weekend such as Bayonetta, Mighty No. 9, Panty & Stocking, and with baited breath… Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon! Outside of that we talk about a UFC fighter’s love for Dragon Ball Z, […]