One the world’s worst rumors in the anime industry is that Funimation has acquired the rights to Sailor Moon. We wait for the big cons like A-kon, Anime eXpo, Otakon, SDCC, NYCC for them to make the grand announcement. An upcoming Canadian convention recently announced Stephanie Morganstern as a guest. In the video posted below, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bandai’
Sailor Moon Figure Accessorizes
May 8th, 2013 Mako-chan
You may have heard by now that Bandai has finally released information about the new S.H. Figurearts Sailor Moon action figure for the 20th anniversary. Due for release in Japan in August, while a release in the States is slated for August or September, the price tag of 4,410-yen is slightly more than the $42.99 […]