When it comes to anime conventions, I have experienced cons of all shapes and sizes—from the overwhelming huge cons, to the piddling little shoebox-like single room/building affairs. I don’t see a con’s size as a factor in its enjoyment one way or another; being big, for example, isn’t going to make it necessarily better than […]
Author Archive

Game Review[First Impressions] – Super Smash Bros. (3DS)

If you had told me approximately ten years ago that I’d be getting hyped as hell for the newest Super Smash Bros games coming out, needless to say I’d have a bunch of questions to ask…chief among them being, “Super Smash Bros.? That looks so stupid!”

Otakon 2014 – In a Transitional Period

As much as I like going to anime conventions and the like, I do put my life before going to them, especially when something very drastic is happening in my life. And as much as I anticipated going, there was still the massive living room elephant of me moving out of my childhood home and […]

Ten Characters in the Capcom Fighting Game Universe That are Better Choices for Ultra Street Fighter IV than Decapre

I love the Street Fighter games. I may not be in the serious tournament play scene, and the only arcade stick I have is a promo one that came with Tekken 6,but I’ve been a lifelong fan of the series, and it’ll take a serious effort on Capcom’s part to turn me off to the […]

Nauticon 2014 – I was Drinking When I Wrote This, Forgive Me if I Go Astray

There are few things I love more than going to conventions, be they for anime, video games, miscellaneous geek stuff, or, like this one, partying and drinking (which occurs with the aforementioned types of cons, but not always as the focus). And while I love the concept as a whole, there are things I don’t […]