I’m fairly certain my plans for a CasinoCon—or, rather, any convention that I create, book, and give as a gift to the world—may never really come to fruition. Then again, seeing what goes into running a convention, from the booking everything to finding a venue to actually getting people to buy tickets, it seems like […]
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Zenkaikon 2017 — Maple Bacon is Love, Maple Bacon is Life

It wasn’t exactly the Amish Paradise that had been sung about in days gone by, but it was as close to excitement as we were going to get out of Lancaster county, I believed. But then again, my opinion is probably colored by the pop culture depiction of Pennsylvania Dutch country, so maybe I’m not […]

Another Anime Convention 2017 – Italians in Suits? What’s not to Love?

The convention previously before this one was the big send-off of perhaps the largest anime convention on the east coast, the effective end of an era. So this convention might be considered a step back, especially in scope and attendance.
Otakon 2016 – Goodnight, Lord Baltimore, Wherever You Are

Everyone winds up leaving home after long enough, and while that may come sooner or later for some people, this convention is leaving its long-established home and going outside its deeply rooted venue in Baltimore.

AnimeNEXT 2016 – Going All In

I’ve had a lot of personal dealings to contend with between now and the convention itself, but as they’re a bit on the personal side, I’ll put them aside for now and just get right into it.