Derpycon returned to the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick this year and I arrived Friday afternoon via taxi. Cosplayers and fashionable attendees already walked around with their con badges clipped onto shirts or dangling on lanyards.
I went into this weekend feeling tired but ready! Anime Jam Session went to Another Anime Con the week prior. I made a point to have extra espresso that morning. For me, cons truly start with friends and…caffeine. I already had the coffee but friends would soon follow.
I spotted improvements in Derpycon soon after opening the venue doors. One major improvement was the registration process. Over 1,000 badges were mailed and most attendees could enjoy the convention right away.
The con exploded in popularity in 2023. The growth was an amazing sign for the con but also came with hiccups in terms of traffic and lines.
Convention staff took the feedback and hurdles of their growth into account with the excellent decision to mail badges. Doing so made a massive difference for attendees, eased traffic, and also eased the workload for staff.
I arrived early on Friday and dropped off my suitcase at the front desk. I ventured off for provisions. New food businesses seem to be around the New Brunswick area,, including many bubble tea options. Derpycon offered badge discounts for certain local shops. Uteapia was one of the discount options. I visited several times over the convention weekend, sipping on matcha or fruit teas!
I also stopped by Rakki Ramen because of their gluten free noodle option. Allergy friendly ramen is a rare treat I only get to really enjoy at Derpycon. I did enjoy every bite.
After picking up provisions, stopped over by the panel, Cryptids, Kaijus, and Creepy Pop Culture by Hen Tie Cake. This presentation showed the inspirations from such creatures into the geeky series fans enjoy today!
Wolfman, the Jersey Devil, Vampires, and fairies were among the several creatures mentioned. Examples of media were shown after historical context was given. I liked listening to the history; the presenter read examples throughout the globe, while mentioning historical figures and texts. If this panel is done in the future, I would love to see tie-ins to pop culture and inspirations explained in further detail.
Maybe with some quotes or even interviews from creators of media discussing the mythological/spooky inspirations of their works. I sometimes wonder as a fan of both creatures and nerdy media about the similarities and differences between the former or later. Either way, this panel was a very fascinating and intriguing topic to tackle!
I also watched the Drag Show by Shojo-A-Go-Go and Co! I saw the group’s performance at Derpycon’s sister con, Shenanicon. Costumes were glittery, glamorous, delightfully over the top, and comic and pop culture references were aplenty. Performances strutted on and off stage with an inspirational level of confidence (goals), and interacted with the audience. Although I didn’t stay for the entirety of the performance (I was super exhausted), I had a good time!
These folks are one of the many people I look up to in the cosplay-scene. To many, cosplay is about expressing oneself creatively and through performance. I look forward to seeing Shojo-A-Go-Go and Co in the future; their shows are the highlight of many of my recent cons! .
On Saturday, I participated in a Moon family photoshoot featuring Usagi Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba, and Chibiusa! I was also in a similar photoshoot during AAC, so this may be somewhat of a con tradition of sorts. I was in the photoshoot with CPGrey Witch and DJ RanmaS this time! I liked spending time with friends, despite my low energy. Chibiusa is so much fun to cosplay as, and bringing the dynamic between the moon family into a photoshoot is always a delight.
I mentioned Derpycon’s growth earlier. The masquerade is one area that Derpycon approached professionally and with the limitations of the main events space. The Main Events room could sit about 165 attendees. The con had about 2,000 attendees and seats filled up quickly.
However, the con offered a live viewing of the masquerade in a panel room which then expanded into two panel viewing rooms.There was also a great idea where the masquerade was also offered through live streaming in hotel rooms on a specific channel.
I adored this idea because I take in sound and visuals differently (I am a little sensitive to bright lights or loud noises), and other attendees may have similar challenges which can impact their access to the main events.
The panel room allowed people to view the masquerade in a relaxed setting. The room had dimmer lighting, the audio wasn’t as loud, and I could enjoy the show.
The convention took the limitations of the venue space and worked creatively and strategically, while also being open to providing more options for attendees.
This made me so happy and I could tell others shared the same feeling. I watched as much as I could before slogging off to bed.
On Sunday, I took the day in a leisurely stride by looking around the Dealer’s Room, wandering the con center, and sitting down to take in the last of the nerdy ambiance.
I’ve attended cons for so many years, but never watched a closing ceremony…until this event! Closing ceremonies often give attendees and staff the chance to share dialogue about the convention and feedback. I liked hearing staff express the ins and outs of running a convention. I’ve been attending cons for a long time, but there’s so much I want to learn in terms of event logistics from the perspective of the press.
Many cons such as Derpycon have volunteer staff; cons are by and for fans. These kind of events are some of my favorites.
Whether it be crunching financial data and budgeting for the con, communicating with the venue, networking, and reviewing event contracts, there’s many details to take into account. As press, logistics are one piece I do want to bring up more in the articles I write. Running a con is no easy feat but Derpycon 2024 was a success!
After the ceremony, I also met a new friend through DJ Ranma S. We had an engaging conversation that may not have happened if our group didn’t stay until later that day!
CCGreyWitch, Ranma, and I finished up our weekend on a high note, sipping hot bubble tea and then eating rounds of sushi and goodies at Kura Sushi.
2024’s con season ended on a satisfying note. I am looking forward to 2025!