Clovercon is a small convention, with not only big ambitions, but also a big heart. The tenth con was held in Bridgewater New Jersey for one day, May 15th, from about 10am-5p.m.The 4-H center is run by Somerset 4-H members ; proceeds from the convention help this chapter work towards building upgrades.
I explored the 4-H Center throughout the day, both inside and outdoors. The Dealer’s Room and Artist Alley were in the same location as prior years, in the gymnasium. Panels were in classroom-like areas or conference rooms.
I also cosplayed as a genderbent Meta Knight from the Kirby series…and met a Kirby cosplayer! Our group stayed at a local hotel. As usual, I woke up at the crack of dawn and put on my cosplay.
We arrived at the convention before noon. Attendees soon gathered. Signage is important for any convention and was prominent throughout the event and easy to follow, such as signs for panel rooms, scheduling on doors, and posters reminding attendees to wear masks. The staff came prepared with masks for attendees who needed them.
Food and beverage options were offered in the gymnasium, such as Lo-Mein, asian snacks, and Bubble Tea. A ‘Cosplay Catwalk’ was also held in this area. Cosplayers showed their work or compiled costumes onstage, much like walk-ons in masquerades. I was able to see the Catwalk up close and arrows were included on the stage area to direct cosplayers.
One of the ongoing challenges of the venue is the air conditioning and wi-fi. Vendors often use Wi-Fi to use payment platforms such as Square.
Air conditioning was one of the challenges for this event. Although fans were placed occasionally to circulate air, it was still extremely warm and humid. I had difficulty staying in one place at a time due to the AC situation, often going outside where it was a bit cooler. At the same time, moving around gave me the chance to get a better feel of the convention’s atmosphere; tiny but mighty and friendly! Many attendees were younger and new to the con scene and as always, I get happy to see new faces. I even helped out one of the kids with a video game.
I strongly encourage the 4-H Center to not only look at fundraising opportunities and grants to make the building an even greater location for not only the convention , but also the local chapter. This event has potential and I look forward to attending in the future.