This time around, I was able to make it out to Central Park for the 4th International Cosplayers Day. I didn’t get as many photos as I hoped I would. I was also asked to be a judge in their cosplay event, which was cool. But here are a few photos I hope you all […]
Posts Tagged ‘Vocaloid’
Cosplay Interview with Perzephone

It’s time once more for another cosplayer interview! This next one, shared from Cosplay Blog with a Brain, is an interview with Perzephone! She’s a cosplayer from Washington, who has an amazing personality and collection of costumes!
Episode #127 – That’s What DVRs Are For!

Ranma kicks the show off about talking about the new maid cafe in NYC’s Chinatown, along with his thoughts, which is followed by his ereview of epsiode 1 of Heroes of Cosplay (start your drinking). Then the team discusses Pokemon sales and new anime, Attack on Titan merchandising… Brand new Vocaloid anime, and major censorship […]