It seems that due to some controversy with Superheroes Unlimited and whatnot, we decided to post Liberty City Anime Convention’s 2016 masquerade that they ran. Did they do a good job? You be the judge, check it out below!
Posts Tagged ‘video game’
Cosplay Interview with Lunaladyoflight

It’s time once more for another cosplayer interview! This next one, shared from Cosplay Blog with a Brain, is an interview with Lunaladyoflight! She’s a lovely cosplayer from Michigan, who loves the craftsmanship of the hobby!

New York Comic Con 2013: Be it Ever so Grandiose, There’s no Place Like You.

After 8 of these events, it’s safe to say that most convention veterans know what they’re in for with this show. Walking, Crowds, Lines , Walking, Overpriced Food, Standing in Line Overpriced Drinks, Buying stuff in the Exhibit Hall, Standing for Pictures if you’re a Cosplayer and loads of walking are what everyone anticipates. However, […]