On this week’s pretaped show, DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, Ari Rockefeller, and Ichigo Gami discuss upcoming spoilers from season of Attack on Titan. Also, we find out that tehre is a Titansanity workout with Mikasa, thanks to Addidas. A new Pokemon variety show starts in Japan, and the guy who threw a Pokemon themed party […]
Posts Tagged ‘umbrella’

Episode #222 – You Sure That was a Brownie?

On tonight’s show, we have some Sailor Moon Crystal news from Mako-chan! Then from DJ Ranma S, he talks about NJ Comic Anime Con that happened on Saturday. And Ari Rockefeller brings us the news. We have Hayao Miyazaki donating 2.4 million dollars for interactive children’s area in park for displaced women and children of […]