Ishuzoku Reviewers gets kicked off ANOTHER network! Also, what’s the hullabaloo with Takami Chika’s uniform and ambassadorship? New Transformers trilogy from Netflix, Sailor Moon ice skating show, Studio Ghibli OSTs on streaming sites, a moment of silence for Elyce Rosenstein, co-creator of the first Star Trek convention, a Nezuko cosplayer out of the loop of a joke at Katsucon, and should anime be more politically […]
Posts Tagged ‘Takami Chika’

Aqours Concert Stream: NYC Experience

(Originally posted on my blog). Village East Cinema was the most popular venue for the Aqours concert–according to management–and I’m not surprised. The seats were packed to capacity and some people even sat on the floor. Love Live means a lot to me and I realized it meant a lot to others, as well. People […]