Yamcha get’s dunked on! Also, seiyu Masahiro Anzai passes, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 movie is in full production, anime and Japanese racing collabs, and Super Nintendo World is open! Meanwhile in Japan, a Coca-Cola subscription service, Tokyo Olympics ban foreigners, and advanced technology turns taxi windows into ad galleries, wow!
Posts Tagged ‘Super Nintendo World’

#482: 2021 is Just 2020 with a Wig On.

And we’re back from break! Join the hosts as they discuss Evangelion movie updates, Puella Magi Madoka Magica anniversary plans, and Pokémon‘s 25th with Katy Perry, along with a record breaking sale of a sealed booster pack! Also, Super Nintendo World opening is delayed, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid season two, and Pokémon Popsicle fraud? Meanwhile in Japan… Foo Fighters sake, world record for crane games, serial toilet thief caught, […]