On tonight’s show, we dig into the Princess Bowsette phenomena! Also, a producers kidanpping charges are dropped, Funimation to stream the final season of Fairy Tail, and Alita: Battle Angel pushed back… Again. Ronin Warriors/ Yoroiden Samurai Troopers to get special event, Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia gets a 4th season, and Badtz Maru joins Gudetama for cafe collab! Over in Strange News From Japan, a toilet paper debate, […]
Posts Tagged ‘gally-chan’

Episode 299 : For Some, it’s Valentine’s Day. For the Rest of Us, it’s Tuesday.

On tonight’s show, score one for America as we bring home the gold in the Dance Dance Revolution world championships! Also, Hanamaru Kunikida is the new Love Live! School Idol Project face at Sega! 33 versions of the City Hunter ending, Crunchyroll con, a villain is cast for Battle Angel Alita film, new Gundam Wing […]

Episode 282 : And the Wind Falls

On this week’s show, we talk about Yuri on Ice‘s opening theme, Toonami‘s new start time, and info about the upcoming Battle Angel Alita live action film! Alpha 5 is casted in the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, a NEW season of One Punch Man, Pokémon jewelry, and FLCL subtitles? And then on the […]