Tonight, we’re chilling out with the squad again with another casual show! Also tonight, another season of Castlevania, ComicMarket コミックマーケット 98 cancelled, Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion, and a surprise appearance in the new Doreamon movie trailer! Meanwhile in Japan, new Olympic dates, convenience store mix-up, free pizza for at home sakura viewings, and new Japanese escape game in English?!
Posts Tagged ‘Doreamon’

Episode #244 – I Guess It’s That Time of the Year Again

On tonight’s show we find out that Cute High Earth Defense Club Love is getting a stage play, Love Live! School Idol Festival is getting an arcade game (thanks Sega!), the infamous Millennium Puzzle from Yu-Gi-Oh! is now available in gold! Neon Genesis Evangelion boxers, the evolution of anime, and we take amoment to give […]

Episode #164 – Booze, Adults, Cosplay, BBQ… And Nauticons!

Ahoy! On tonight’s show, DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller join up with Mako-chan and Avalon Cosplay as they relive their tales of Nauticons! After that, they discuss the changes to Doreamon that Disney has done. Followed by this week’s Open Forum Topic: What is the ONE convention you’d recommend people to go to and […]