The staff discuss the issues with Heroes of Cosplay, such as the lawsuit for using copyrighted photos, and that the winning team from Anime Matsuri didn’t get their prize money. Also, Ranma discusses his review of episode 3, who in turn tells everyone what he thinks of cutthroat cosplay. Also on the Japan front topics […]
Posts Tagged ‘dancing’
Episode #127 – That’s What DVRs Are For!

Ranma kicks the show off about talking about the new maid cafe in NYC’s Chinatown, along with his thoughts, which is followed by his ereview of epsiode 1 of Heroes of Cosplay (start your drinking). Then the team discusses Pokemon sales and new anime, Attack on Titan merchandising… Brand new Vocaloid anime, and major censorship […]
Episode #126 – Otakon 2013… I’m Coming Home…

Ranma and Ari sit down with Mako-chan as they discuss their adventures in Baltimore in regards to Otakon! With all of the press releases, Ranma gets VERY ecstatic about his all time favorite anime with a blu ray release! All this and much much more! Download episode here.

Episode #125 – Bronycon… In Baltimore, And Then Some!

Ranma and the crew discuss the badly written New York Post article on Heroes of Cosplay, followed by a discussion with a counter article on Yaya Han being a hypocrite. Also, Ranma briefly discusses the Cosplay 4 A Cure event in Brooklyn… Then the hosts congratulate Cupcake Cosplay for coming in 2nd place in the […]
Episode #124 – We Haven’t Hit The High Point Yet.

Ranma and the crew dissect Yaya Han’s post on a cosplay and calls her out for not keeping it real, the director of Lain and Sakura Wars dies of colon cancer… New Rozen Maiden anime, and they’re doing it way differently and it works! One of the original magical girl animes, Creamy Mami comes to […]