The chain of Gundam Cafes close down, The Slayers 30th anniversary DVD/blu-ray special release, and BAND-MAID‘s new music video for the anime Platinum End. Also, Fruits Basket compilation film, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba fonts added to Adobe fonts, and Detective Conan mangaka and others draw tributes for Lupin III‘s 50th anniversary! Meanwhile in Japan, discover the newest item to keep you warm in the […]
Posts Tagged ‘comiket’

Episode 452 : Extended Weekend

On tonight’s show, we talk a bit of voice acting on Geek Roundtable! Also, Netflix streams Cardcaptor Sakura, Earthbound the manga, a paper company files for bankruptcy after ComicMarket コミックマーケット cancels. Plus, get ready for Anime Expo® Lite, cosmetic company sponsors anime music video ad, and the US government catches Pokémon bootlegs! Meanwhile in Japan, a perv hunter in it for the money, Tenga releases […]

Episode 444 : It’s Not Lucky Sevens, but…

Tonight, we’re chilling out with the squad again with another casual show! Also tonight, another season of Castlevania, ComicMarket コミックマーケット 98 cancelled, Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion, and a surprise appearance in the new Doreamon movie trailer! Meanwhile in Japan, new Olympic dates, convenience store mix-up, free pizza for at home sakura viewings, and new Japanese escape game in English?!

Episode 419 : It’s a Living!

On tonight’s show… A cosplayer gets freaked out at Comiket コミックマーケット, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba‘s producer comments on the future of anime, good news from Kyoto Animation about works on display! Also, a new Lupin the 3rd documentary, Neil Gaiman‘s role on Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki honored again, AnimEigo‘s new kickstarter tops out, and a special サザエさん – Sazae san? Meanwhile in Japan, an arrest over […]

Episode 412 : Stuff Happens.

On tonight’s show… Japanese Go Kart company owes Nintendo a lot of cash, Japanese artists creates samurai characters for each flag of the 2020 Olympics, Comiket コミックマーケット restricts crowds with wristbands, and the Pokémon fandom is upset again… But about Pokemon Sword and Shield… And tonight we’re bringing back the Open Forum! Tonight we discuss the re-release of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and […]