On this week’s show, we talk about Yuri on Ice‘s opening theme, Toonami‘s new start time, and info about the upcoming Battle Angel Alita live action film! Alpha 5 is casted in the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, a NEW season of One Punch Man, Pokémon jewelry, and FLCL subtitles? And then on the […]
Posts Tagged ‘beer’

Episode #232 – Labor Day… That’s a Weekend Full of Cons, Isn’t It?

On tonight’s show, we help put the word out on a person of interest needed at Dragon Con, a 22 year old was arrested for threatening a seiyuu, and a voice actor arrested for possession of child pornography… Slowpoke gets his own reggae tune, a new manga is out, and it’s about three women who […]

Episode #204 – Spring Can’t Come any Sooner.

On tonight’s show, Ari Rockefeller talks to us about Fire Emblem’s 25th Anniversary Concert, Mako-chan tells us about Sailor Moon themed pastries, and DJ Ranma S discusses cosplay driver licenses, Ghost in the Shell snafus, and all of the hosts talk about seven trips to the underworld. Then on The Open Forum Topic, we ask […]

Episode #193 – Shorter Than the Lines at Best Buy!

On this week’s show, DJ Ranma S brings us a GoFundMe that’s so bad that he had to share it… And also, what’s the story behind Katsucon’s latest guest, and why is there so much controversy behind it? Then Mako-chan tells about Girl’s Magazine, celebrating 60 years of publishing, and that the price of Sailor […]