V-tuber Kizuna AI(official)gets her own anime, Pokémon Legends Arceus gets an anime web series, and Ghost In The Shell SAC 2045 season 2 is a Netflix exclusive! Also, charges against a former Jujutsu Kaisen manga translator advances, idol unit Iris streams a portion of their anniversary concert, and hold onto your butts, yaoi paddles are coming back (please no)! Meanwhile in Japan, a naked […]
Posts Tagged ‘apartments’

#464: Live from Web Con Mini, It’s Anime Jam Session!

A Special episode of Anime Jam Session! Join DJ Ranma S, Ari Rockefeller, Mako-chan, IchigoGami, and WildSpice Cosplay for a special Webcon_2020 panel live! We’ve gathered some great articles tonight! We’re talking Crunchyroll, Youmacon, Cells at Work, niconico(ニコニコ動画), and then some! Plus we culled our tamer Meanwhile in Japan articles, so you’ll be hearing about amusement parks, Nintendo Switch, and a rapper in an apartment!

Episode 446 : Maximum Slackage.

On tonight’s show, we have the squad with us! As we discuss Geek Roundtable, the cost of buying anime in the 90s… Meanwhile in Japan, boss punches employee for not staying home, pre-orders for LEGO Super Mario collection, and apartments for single people and their cats?