Everyone here at Anime Jam Session was distraught over the story of young Michael Morones who tried to commit suicide because was bullied over being a fan of My Little Pony. So we tried to come up with an idea to show our support. One idea happened from our friend Kat from Kat’s Play Commissions. […]
Archive for the ‘My Little Pony: FIM’ Category

Season 4, Episode 3 – Cotton Candy Tears: The Winners and Losers of Castle Mane-ia

When people talk about the legendary Castlevania soundtrack, the songs that are usually referred to are the “Vampire Killers”, the “Bloody Tears’”, and the “Battle of the Holys” of the collection. However, there is one track that belongs in the discussion of iconic Castlevania soundtracks, but sometimes gets overlooked is “Invitation to a Crazed Moon” […]

Season 4, Episode 1 – Don’t call it a Comeback: The Winners and Losers of Princess Twilight

After 9 months of built up anticipation, speculation, and equal doses of irrational hyper-positivity and hyper-negativity, yesterday signaled the end of the hiatus that seemed eternal. That’s right friends, the long night has given way to the sun, and another Season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is upon us. With Season 4 being […]