I took a good deal of photos during MAGFest this past January. Now it’s time to decide which ones stood above the rest. Let’s do this!
Author Archive

Katsucon Chair Passes Away

It is with a heavy heart that we report that the con chair for Katsucon 19 has passed away. Christine Larson passed away from severe complications of pneumonia and the H1N1 flu virus. Reports had come in from other attendees that they were coming down with the virus… As well as incidents of people coming […]

Still Trying to Make Sense of It All

I’m sure by now everyone has heard the news. And no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to wrap my head fully around it. On January 25th, word went out that Internet reviewer and longtime affiliate of the That Guy With The Glasses network, Justin Carmical, died two days earlier at the age […]

MAGFest 12 (2014) — Con Lang Syne, or There’s Cold in Them There Hills

It would appear that my dealings last year with MAGFest really lit a fire under the asses of the Anime Jam Session staff, because I wasn’t going at it alone this year. That didn’t exactly mean things were going smoothly, though. I don’t know if I was told earlier and had just simply forgotten about […]

Blowing Around a Lot of Hot Air

For those of you not completely in the loop about the situation in Chicago, here’s the abridged version of it: Chi-Fi, a convention planned to be held at the Westin Chicago River North hotel, but according to the former, the staff of the latter referred to everyone involved as “freaks”, harping on the old addage […]