#647: Since We’ve Been Gone…

The anime world offers condolences after the passing of Seiyuu, Emi Shinohara, the dub cast for ⁠Beetlejuice⁠ Beetlejuice dressed in costume during the dubbing of the film, and ⁠Creamy Mami⁠ goes old school with cassette tape and player! Also, the world’s biggest adult manga pirate site gets sued, ⁠Cowboy Bebop⁠ gets an unofficial unauthorized 600+ page book, and ⁠Fiat⁠ teams with ⁠Lupin the 3rd⁠ for car collaboration! Meanwhile in Japan, the 3000-year-old tree in the forest that inspired ⁠Princess Mononoke⁠ snaps in two, and a pizza chain starts pizza delivery for dogs?!

DJ Ranma S

DJ Ranma S is cosplay veteran. He has won numerous performance awards with his friends over the years. He has staffed conventions in the past, ran panels, judged a couple of masquerades, a jack of all trades. He's worked dealer's room too! Running this site is his way of giving back to the cosplay community. He feels that it's his turn to give a future cosplayer their fifteen minutes of fame.

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