#644: This Isn’t The Plastic Straw I Asked For

Pokémon voice actress passes due to Cancer, huge anime leak hits the world before their premieres, and Premium Bandai releases new replica for older anime! Also, an anime movie with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score comes on Netflix, though abandoned, a new Chinese Transformers series trailer was released, and is that an anime reference in my Olympics? Meanwhile in Japan, enjoy dinner and a ninja show, an inn’s first foreign guests disappear without paying, and an idol singer is punished by selfies for a year due to a picture of her boyfriend…

DJ Ranma S

DJ Ranma S is cosplay veteran. He has won numerous performance awards with his friends over the years. He has staffed conventions in the past, ran panels, judged a couple of masquerades, a jack of all trades. He's worked dealer's room too! Running this site is his way of giving back to the cosplay community. He feels that it's his turn to give a future cosplayer their fifteen minutes of fame.

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