Issues at The Love Live Shanghai Event

Image via Love Live’s official website.

I was scrolling Twitter as usual the other day.

It had slipped by mind that Aqours traveled to Shanghai for a fan meeting and live, until I saw some disturbing news. At the meet and live, many issues occurred—the one getting the most traction, being the inappropriate “gifts” given by attendees, including rated 18+ doujin. (Doujun, for those who are unfamiliar, are fan-made manga). This particular incident has the least amount of detail revealed, but was among the most shocking to fans on Twitter. These issue have been confirmed by a popular Love Live fansite, School Idol Tomodachi, as well as brief footage that has been leaked of the event.

Other problems also occurred at the live, as well. It is a standard practice for members of audiences in idol concerts to use penlights—people can make them change colors based on the image/theme color of characters. Certain songs even have a certain color that fans traditionally change their penlights to, especially if a certain member has a solo.

Here is where the problem lies: there are type of glow sticks out there called Ulta Orange glow sticks. They glow for a short period of time, but are much brighter than penlights. In the middle of a song, several members of the audience in the front row cracked their Ultra Orange glow sticks and waved them in the middle of Happy Party Train. Many of the people did so in the front rows, likely VIP members, and were close proximity to members of Aqours, and allegedly did so to distract Aqours while they were performing.

Rumors have been floating around that audience members did this intentionally to mess up Suwa Nankana’s solo in particular—among the rumors were also vulgar shouts which interrupted quiet moments of songs.
With these incidents in mind, it it important to note that the small amount of “fans” who took part in the incidents, especially the inappropriate gift-giving one, do not represent the majority of Love Live fans.
However, the occurrences at this live can have an impact on future events. I have never personally seen people use Ulta Orange lights in events in the states, but courtesy is very important when using them, due to their brightness.  And it is important to keep in mind that although idol concerts are exciting events, consideration of others is an important aspect of keeping concerts running.

This news came just about a month later after Love Live staff made an renouncement about concerns of stalking members , in addition to many other issues. Credit Love Live Wikia for this translation.


Cinna Knight

CinnaKnight has been in the convention-scene for over a decade! C.K. runs on candy, coffee, and sometimes ...chaos! She's an avid writer, foodie, and a big fan of the Kirby franchise. She will also remind you to hydrate and almost always has safety pins and Advil handy.

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