Episode five of SyFy’s “Heroes of Cosplay” aired Tuesday night, though I watched it Thursday. You should all be proud of me.. I watched it all the way through with my boyfriend sitting nearby. I wanted to get his commentary, since he doesn’t do cosplay (yet, ohohohoho), but knows what I go through with my costumes and competitions.
This week was everyone prepping for Planet Comicon, which was apparently the most popular con in the Midwest? I had a good laugh at that. Yaya, Monika, and Riddle decided to compete together, after Yaya blabbed about how great Denmark’s competitions are and bored us all to death. They made a big deal about Yaya coming out of “retirement”, which got a laugh from me. She last competed in 2009, which is funny, cause I last competed then too. I had another moment of “let’s make a big deal out of something only she cares about”. Becky, Holly, and Jessica decided to compete together as well, though they were nowhere near as clique-y as “Team Atlanta” with some of their discussions. Monika made it clear she didn’t feel Becky was a threat, while Yaya complained about everything must be perfect cause of her them representing her brand.. And then I tuned them out. I don’t like egos. And this was a lot of egos.
From there, the show checked on Jesse, who was prepping for the individual competition, along with Chloe. It was actually quite fun to watch them work on their costumes. They also checked on Victoria and Becky, both of which also worked on pieces. Once they got to the costume contest, Victoria did her usual thing and worked in the hotel room and learned making stuff from paper has to be done in specific ways. This is why you research before you jump into a project. 8D Becky meanwhile hopped into a costume where she only made the skirt. Aw yeah, competing in commissioned pieces. My biggest pet peeve, especially when you don’t give credit where it’s due.
Everyone did their walk-ons and I was pleased to see Jesse win third place overall for all for his hard work and Chloe won best videogame female, which was deserved as well. Again, the competitions prove that if you don’t make your stuff or wait to make items until last minute… Just seriously don’t compete and expect to win. Hard work pays off (sometimes).
Next week will be the group competition, so we’ll see how that goes…
Pro: Watching more construction, especially how Jesse ages his costume. Also, Jesse and Chloe return, and I enjoy them.
Con: Yaya complaining every two seconds about brand representation. Sit down, shut up, and do your work, or don’t compete if it’s that big of deal.
Overall: Not the worst, not the best. However, I still need a drink.